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Banking & Financial Solutions

Expand your digital ecosystem

Reach new markets with Tegra and Axway Open Banking.

Evolving technology that places a high demand on digital experiences, accompanied by regulatory pressure, is forcing banks to rethink existing business models.

Tegra and Axway Open Banking provide a way to drastically accelerate open banking adoption.


Advantages of embedded finance

  • Open up siloed data so you can expand your digital ecosystem to create a new banking and financial services business model.
  • Enrich and personalise excellent customer experiences and interactions with newly developed products, providing a path to truly embedded finance.

Read about how Permatabank embraced open banking and, in just three years, tripled new account acquisition without adding branches or staffing resources to their distribution network.

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Why Open Banking with Tegra and Axway?

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Expanded ecosystem

Create opportunities for collaboration and expand your ecosystem with partners, opening doors to new markets.

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Excellent security

Be sure that all the complex security requirements and policies are met, plus centralised control and monitoring of all your integration assets.

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Speed up innovation

Quickly innovate new products and services by integrating disparate systems into modernised, complex IT infrastructures.

More information about Open Banking

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Experiment with digital banking

In these never-before-seen times, banks must go beyond compliance and adopt a flexible mindset that focuses on the customer's experience, not just the bank's process.

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Getting the most out of Open Banking

This whitepaper looks at 15 use cases of how open banking helps fintech companies create real value, improve how banks work, and come up with new ways to serve clients.

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Accelerate innovation

Commerzbank is a big German bank that does business all over the world. It serves individuals, small businesses, corporations, multinationals, financial service providers, and institutions.