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Unlock the next generation of insurance


Connect data, devices, and people to extend the value chain. Axway AMPLIFY offers integration capabilities and agile API management solution.

If there's an industry that can really benefit from transformation, it's insurance. Current legacy systems, disparate technology, and antiquated processes cause insurance carriers to lose millions of dollars each year. But for transformation to be profitable, core solutions need to drive a better consumer experience, better products, and better digital experiences.

Tegra API_Management insurance section2 Tegra API Management insurance section2 Mobile

Insurance: For consumers, the digital experience you deliver is as important as your rates

Askrindo delivers frictionless experiences

The rise of digital channels has reshaped customer expectations of the shopping experience. Today’s connected consumers expect to be able to browse, compare, and buy products on any digital device,


Customer Q&A: Modernising IT to speed up innovation

For the past several years, the Allianz insurance company has been making incremental IT and cultural changes to meet its clients’ evolving needs and rising expectations...